The Union Finance Ministry has released Rs 46,038 crore to states as their share in central taxes and duties for April.
The devolution of taxes has been done based on recommendations of Fifteenth Finance Commission.
The calculation of net proceeds of shareable taxes has been kept unchanged as per Budget 2020-21.
In its interim report for FY21, the 15th Finance Commission has reduced the share of States in the divisible pool of Central taxes by one percentage point to 41 per cent.
It was because of the conversion of the erstwhile State of Jammu and Kashmir into two Union territories.
It assigned 15 per cent weight to the population of a State, down from the 17.5 per cent allocated by the 14th Finance Commission.
But it raised the weight under demographic performance from 10 per cent to 12.5 per cent.
The highest share of Central taxes for April has gone to Uttar Pradesh and followed by Bihar.
Goa and Sikkim have got the least from Central pool of taxes.